teach best
what you most need
to learn."
-Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
After having started to read a book that I happened upon, I found bits of my personal philosophy on life entwined in the author's words. Shortly into the book, the main character is given a book of Messiah-how-to's; in other words, there are a few short maxims articulating what it takes to make divinity a reality.
This quote in particular struck me seeing as what I step forth to accomplish each day is what I most need to learn. Somewhere amongst the monotony of everyday life, I set personal goals to help people in some small, or big, way. These goals go unspoken, often not even consciously realized, but I nevertheless find myself in these situations.
By these situations, I mean situations in which I am in the position to help someone get through something similar to a conflict that I am facing. I find myself each day helping a reflected fragment of myself, in my friends, in my family. Be it through an impromptu hour long conversation on theories of life, or a mutual depression rant, I find myself in the position to help others, and vicariously help myself.
In fact, there is no better way for me to cope. I find my own well-being affected by my surroundings and the problems that my friends face. Although it does not always appear as such, I feel an inexplicable compulsion to brighten someone's day, or to provide guidance and support when no one else is willing. Don't think that I'm trying to put myself on some sort of moral high horse however. I don't think that I necessarily succeed by any means. These are situations where I only hope that my thoughts are what counts.
I think this piece of me, this instinct to be the shoulder, the listener, or the ear comes as some sort of reaction against the problems I face. What better a way (or more efficient a way) to help yourself, than to help others. Not only do you receive the help from your friend, but you are able to provide them with the compassion and guidance that you so desperately try to reciprocate.
Maybe this is what explains the strange comfort I feel with people in sharing my philosophical beliefs or personal stories of upbringing. Regardless, I find the human capacity to care and to cope fascinating. We can take the poorest of situations, and with a sounding board for ideas and guidance that we find in our friends and family, we cope. We survive, and we allow our lights to continue to glow.
Regardless, I hope you can find something in this fragmented post to ponder. By the way, I encourage you to subscribe and comment. You all know me, and I'm quite sure that I don't bite!
With the aid of my reflections,
L. Soleil
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